School canteen
The canteen operates four days a week every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at recess and lunch times. The canteen is closed every Tuesday. Students can order their lunch before 8:30am in the morning via Flexischools. Menus and price lists are available through Flexischools and information relating to special promotions are mentioned in the newsletter and on the EWPS Canteen Facebook page. The canteen runs efficiently with the help of volunteers. Forms for volunteers are sent home at the beginning of every year or a canteen volunteer expression of interest form can be completed and returned to the canteen.
Lunches are prepared by the canteen staff and returned to students by the lunch basket monitors in each class. The canteen prepares a variety of healthy, nutritional lunches following the Healthy Schools Canteen Policy.
Due to a number of students suffering from severe nut allergies, the school is a nut-aware zone. Please do not send children to school with nuts and nut products, including peanut butter and Nutella.
Where a student suffers from food allergies the school and canteen supervisor should be made aware so the student’s health care is maintained.
Fruit break
Students have a short break each day at approximately 10:30am for fruit break. This time enables them to have a quick snack of fruit or vegetables and a sip of water. The aim of this break is to promote healthy eating and give the students a break to refresh them for the rest of the morning learning time.
Low waste lunches
Engadine West PS is committed to healthy eating and a sustainable environment. All students are encouraged to bring a low waste lunch to school each day. Low waste lunches contain no disposable plastics or wrappers. Lunches generally come to school in resealable containers or paper wrapping. Any fruit scraps are composted.